12 December 2005

Cartoon Feature

Saturday night, Teva went bowling, in part continuing to celebrate my birthday. I didn't bowl so well, though. Couldn't seem to find a ball of the ideal weight and finger hole size. One strike maybe and a bunch of spares in two games, but no special excitement on my part. Oh well. Fun times, though.

So, today I'm featured in The PC Weenies, a cartoon creation of Krishna M. Sadisavam. We've been corresponding lately about the details of the strip and he sent me a sketch to review. Surely you can figure out the rest. Here it is, with Krishna's intro:

The Mac Guy.... 
Posted on 12/12/2005 by Krishna

At work, I'm known as 'the Mac guy' because I'm responsible for fixing/maintaining/deploying Macs in our department. No doubt there are others who are dubbed 'the Mac guy' where they work, too—whether they manage them for their IT department, or bring their Mac in from home to work in their office.

I thought about that phrase 'the Mac guy' a good bit and came up with today's toon - which, by the way, features guest-star Ben Rosenthal.


At 12 December, 2005 22:32, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I guess I'm slower than I thought--I don't get the cartoon.



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